The Glass Girls Bios



They started out as neighbours, then became good friends, then became creative  business partners.

“What are you building in your yard”? said Laura to Tracey. “A studio”, said Tracey.

Laura’s eyes lit up! “You’re an artist too??”

Laura is originally from Salt Spring Island in B.C. She and her musician/racecar enthusiast husband eventually found their way to Peachland and have not looked back since.  Peachland is where they were meant to be.

Tracey is from Sicamous in B.C., moved to Peachland as a young woman, spent a few years in art school and a brief stint in business school then married a lifelong native of Peachland and decided she was home

Laura was a career hairdresser. Tracey wasn’t sure what she was going to be when she grew up but they both knew they had to pursue that endless need to create.

The saying “you never really know where you are going until you get there” certainly applies to this artistic collaboration.

Five years after Laura asked Tracey what she was building, who would ever have imagined a whole new chapter would open in their lives and they would be on a path that felt so completely meant to be!

Follow your dreams……..